/*** General ***/
$lang["general.titulo_principal"] = "Grupo BC";
$lang["general.contactar"] = "Contact";
$lang["general.redes_sociales"] = "Social networks";
$lang["general.inicio"] = "Home";
$lang["general.colaboran"] = "We work with";
$lang["general.que_opinan"] = "Clients";
$lang["general.ver_mas"] = "Read more";
$lang["general.articulos"] = "articles";
$lang["general.ultimas_publicaciones"] = "Latest publications";
$lang["general.contactar_ahora"] = "Contact now";
$lang["general.rss"] = "Publications";
$lang["general.blog_titulo"] = "Publications";
$lang["general.descripcion_index"] = "";
$lang["general.ver_presentacion"] = "Read introduction";
$lang["general.otras_publicaciones"] = "Other publications";
$lang["general.otros_cursos"] = "Other courses";
$lang["general.ver_todos"] = "View all";
$lang["general.videos"] = "Videos";
$lang["general.cursos"] = "Courses";
$lang["general.cursos_titulo"] = "Training courses";
$lang["general.videos_titulo"] = "Grupo BC videos";
$lang["general.videos_descripcion"] = "";
$lang["general.videos_keywords"] = "";
$lang["general.fecha_publicacion"] = "Date";
$lang["general.lugar"] = "Location";
$lang["general.detalle_curso"] = "Course details";
$lang["general.precio"] = "Price";
$lang["general.duracion"] = "Duration";
$lang["general.inscribirme"] = "REGISTER NOW";
$lang["general.modalidad"] = "Method";
$lang["general.ver_otros_cursos"] = "View other courses";
$lang["general.continuar"] = "Continue";
$lang["general.pagar"] = "Make payment";
$lang["general.fecha_evento"] = "Event date";
$lang["general.hora_evento"] = "Event time";
$lang["general.plazas_disponibles"] = "Spaces available";
/*** Form contacto ***/
$lang['general.seo_contacto_titulo'] = "Contact us";
$lang['general.seo_contacto_descripcion'] = "Contact us";
$lang["general.form_contacto_titulo"] = "Send us your query. We'll get back to you shortly";
$lang["general.form_contacto_ayuda"] = "In compliance with the Law on Personal Data Protection (LOPD) Grupo BC informs you that any personal data you provide in this form will be treated in the strictest of confidence and will be included in a personal data file for the purposes of processing your information request.";
$lang["general.nombre"] = "Name";
$lang["general.apellidos"] = "Surname";
$lang["general.email"] = "Email address";
$lang["general.confirmar_email"] = "Confirm email address";
$lang["general.telefono_contacto"] = "Contact phone number";
$lang["general.asunto"] = "Subject";
$lang["general.comentario"] = "Comments";
$lang["general.pregunta_antispam"] = "Enter the text from the image";
$lang["general.enviar"] = "Send";
$lang["general.atencion_cliente"] = "Customer service";
$lang["general.solicitar_documentacion"] = "Request documentation";
$lang["general.delegaciones"] = "Branches/centres";
$lang["general.delegacion"] = "Branch";
$lang["general.entidad"] = "Company";
$lang["general.sin_resultados"] = "No results found";
$lang['general.enviado_ok'] = "Message sent";
$lang['general.no_enviado_ok'] = "ERROR: Unable to send message. Please try again";
$lang["general.cookie_mensaje"] = "We request your permission to obtain statistical data on your browsing session on this website in compliance with Royal Decree Law 13/2012. If you continue to browse, we consider this as acceptance of our use of cookies.";
$lang["general.acepto"] = "Accept";
$lang['general.empresas'] = "Group companies";
$lang['general.actualidad'] = "News";
$lang['general.categorias'] = "Categories";
$lang['general.sobre'] = "About";
$lang['general.nuestro_equipo'] = "Our team";
$lang['general.clientes'] = "Clients";
$lang["general.titulo_logo"] = "Team, Innovation, Technology";
$lang["general.socio_ideal"] = "The ideal partner for improving your processes and services";
$lang["general.num_trabajadores"] = "3200 employees";
$lang["general.oficinas_paises"] = "100 offices in 7 countries";
$lang["general.anyos_outsourcing"] = "40+ years in banking outsourcing";
$lang["general.conoce_bpo"] = "About BC BPO";
$lang["general.unete_a_bc"] = "Join Grupo BC";
$lang["general.titulo_home"] = "Leader in banking and property outsourcing services";
$lang["general.descripcion_bc_home"] = "At Grupo BC, we help our clients overcome their challenges and improve their performance, by enhancing processes through a winning combination of people and technology";
$lang["general.servicios_1"] = "Mortgage services";
$lang["general.servicios_desc_1"] = "Mortgage loans, mortgage cancellations, buying and selling, subrogations, novations, securitisations";
$lang["general.servicios_2"] = "Asset and real estate management";
$lang["general.servicios_desc_2"] = "Property adjudications, Disputes, Coordinating sales, Dations, Rental management, Key management, Portfolio review, Contract review";
$lang["general.servicios_3"] = "Banking services and processes";
$lang["general.servicios_desc_3"] = "Mortgage loans, Personal loans, Reservations of title, Credit facilities, Pensions, Guarantees, LEI code processing in third party interests";
$lang["general.servicios_4"] = "Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)";
$lang["general.servicios_desc_4"] = "Transformation consultancy, Pensions, Archive and documentation purging, Factoring, Attorney credentials, Comprehensive inheritor's service, Wills, Claims, Mediation";
$lang["general.servicios_5"] = "Comprehensive property management";
$lang["general.servicios_desc_5"] = "Refurbishment and maintenance, Asset and pre-marketing management, Take-overs/Launches, Facility Services, Claims handling, Report writing, Energy efficiency and occupancy certificates";
$lang["general.servicios_6"] = "IT services and processes";
$lang["general.servicios_desc_6"] = "Maintenance and support, Functional analysis process, Data extraction (OCR), Software as a Service (SaaS)";
$lang["general.servicios_url_1"] = "services/mortgage-services";
$lang["general.servicios_url_2"] = "services/asset-real-estate-management/";
$lang["general.servicios_url_3"] = "services/banking-services-processes/";
$lang["general.servicios_url_4"] = "services/bpo/";
$lang["general.servicios_url_5"] = "services/property-management/";
$lang["general.servicios_url_6"] = "services/it-services-and-processes/";
$lang["general.outsourcing_bancario"] = "Banking outsourcing and BPO";
$lang["general.outsourcing_bancario_desc"] = "Client-focused, with a wealth of operational skill and innovation";
$lang["general.asumimos_retos"] = "We accept challenges and seize opportunities";
$lang["general.asumimos_retos_desc"] = "Expertise hand-in-hand with technology allows us to reach our goals.";
$lang["general.compromiso_equipo"] = "Team commitment";
$lang["general.compromiso_equipo_desc"] = "Professional experience and leadership with commitment and accountability";
$lang["general.fomentamos_entorno_laboral"] = "We promote a safe and healthy working environment.";
$lang["general.fomentamos_entorno_laboral_desc"] = "Having a pleasant and safe workplace is important to us";
/** EMPRESAS **/
$lang["general.desc_asecener"] = "A group company specialising in energy efficiency, occupancy certificates, building assessment reports, and energy audits.";
$lang["general.desc_bcdigitalservices"] = "Technology subsidiary with the goal of simplifying mortgage formalisation models and BPO.";
$lang["general.desc_gamma"] = "Consultancy specialising in operational strategy, benchmarking, efficiency, and process productivity.";
$lang["general.desc_cibergestion"] = "Undisputed leader in process outsourcing in Latin America, with a presence in Mexico, Chile, Brazil, Colombia, and Peru.";
$lang["general.desc_managering"] = "Specialising in property adaptation and maintenance. It has a full portfolio of services covering the main needs of the market in this field.";
$lang["general.desc_iahorro"] = "Leading banking comparison site in Spain, enabling users to find and take out the best financial products for their needs directly, ranging from basic products, such as accounts and cards, to more complex products, such as loans and mortgages.";
$lang["general.desc_bukitbpo"] = "Company specialising in BPO processes, and a progressive tool for Grupo BC in terms of its growth strategy and leadership within the BPO sector, with a key focus on responding to the needs of the group's main clients.";
$lang["general.desc_samelan"] = "Samelan is a technology service provider that develops and integrates various solutions and applications. It provides high-level technology services through agile and efficient methodologies adapted to new market needs.";
/*** Footer ****/
$lang["general.condiciones_politicas"] = "Conditions and Policies";
$lang["general.contacta_con_nosotros"] = "Contact us";
$lang["general.copyright"] = "Copyright © All rights reserved";
$lang["general.powered"] = 'By Rolando Vela';
$lang["url-conoce-bc-bpo"] = 'about-bc-bpo';
$lang["url-unete-a-grupo-bc"] = 'join-to-grupo-bc';
$lang["general.idiomas"] = 'Languages';
$lang["general.video_corporativo"] = "Corporate Video";
$lang["general.categoria"] = "Categoría";
$lang["general.dni"] = "DNI";
$lang["general.notario"] = "Notario";
$lang["general.email_confirmacion"] = "Confirmación Email";
$lang["general.fecha_firma"] = "Fecha Firma";
$lang["general.protocolo"] = "Protocolo";
$lang["general.documento_firmado"] = "Documento firmado";
$lang["general.acreditacion_dni"] = "DNI, NIE o documento acreditativo equivalente";
$lang["general.acreditacion_repre"] = "Acreditación de representación";
$lang["general.politicas_privacidad"] = "He leído, consiento el tratamiento y acepto la Política de Privacidad";
$lang["general.form_atencion_cliente_desc"] = "Si tiene cualquier consulta o incidencia sobre un expediente puede usar el siguiente formulario de Atención al Cliente. Basta con que nos facilite los datos solicitados, automáticamente se creará una incidencia y nuestro SAC se pondrá en contacto con usted para resolverla lo antes posible.";
$lang["general.form_sol_doc_desc"] = "Antes de cumplimentar el formulario, le informamos de que a través del mismo, podrá solicitar un duplicado de nuestra factura de honorarios y liquidación de gastos, siempre y cuando conste en nuestros sistemas y no haya sido borrado para cumplir con la normativa de aplicación en materia de protección de datos. Asimismo, no podremos entregarle información, como por ejemplo, la emisión de un duplicado de una factura de un tercero (notario, registro...), por no ser los emisores de la misma.
Será imprescindible adjuntar el siguiente formulario firmado, para verificar sus datos de titularidad. Debe descargar el formulario en PDF desde el siguiente enlace, luego firmarlo y adjuntarlo a la solicitud. [ Descargar ]";
$lang["general.ticket_creado"] = "Su mensaje a sido enviado";
$lang["general.ticket_creado_msg"] = "Nos pondremos en contacto al través del correo que ha indicado.";
$lang["general.ticket_error"] = "No se pudo enviar";
$lang["general.ticket_error_msg"] = "Ha habido un error, verifique los datos introducidos y vuelva a intentar. Si el problema persiste, inténtelo en otro momento.";
$lang["general.debe_adjuntar"] = "You must to attach the file";
$lang["general.form_sol_doc_important"] = "If you want to request documents related to your mortgage operation, you must use the Request Documentation link";
/****** BackEnd ****/
$lang["admin.dominio"] = "Fiapprno.com";
$lang["admin.panel_name"] = "Control Panel";
// Menu principal
$lang["admin.inicio"] = "Home";
$lang["admin.noticias"] = "News";
$lang["admin.mensajes"] = "Messages";
$lang["admin.enlaces"] = "Links";
$lang["admin.productos"] = "Products";
$lang["admin.pedidos"] = "Orders";
$lang["admin.clientes"] = "Customers";
$lang["admin.personal"] = "Personal";
$lang["admin.horarios"] = "Schedules";
$lang["admin.reglas_precios"] = "Price rules";
$lang["admin.envios"] = "Envíos";
$lang["admin.vales"] = "Vales Descuentos";
$lang["admin.pagos"] = "Pagos";
$lang["admin.menu"] = "Menu";
$lang["admin.bibliografia"] = "Bibliography";
$lang["admin.videos"] = "Videos";
$lang["admin.portada"] = "Home";
$lang["admin.config_menu_principal"] = "Main menu configuration";
$lang["admin.no_items_menu"] = "Items not found";
$lang["admin.agregar_item"] = "Add Item";
$lang["admin.buscar_en_web"] = "Search into website";
$lang["admin.zona"] = "Zone";
$lang["admin.relacionados"] = "Relacionados";
$lang["admin.distribucion"] = "Distribution";
$lang["admin.datos_enlace"] = "Link content";
$lang["admin.datos_video"] = "Video content";
$lang["admin.id_youtube"] = "ID Youtube";
$lang["admin.youtube_comment"] = "You must enter the ID de youtube
ID is tMtudOQM6jY";
$lang["admin.ver_video"] = "See video";
$lang["admin.recargar_datos"] = "Reload";
$lang["admin.limpiar_filtros"] = "Clean filters";
$lang["admin.titulo"] = "Title";
$lang["admin.titulo_corto"] = "Short Title";
$lang["admin.configuracion"] = "Configuration";
$lang["admin.estadisticas"] = "Stats";
$lang["admin.nuevo"] = "New";
$lang["admin.volver"] = "Back";
$lang["admin.categorias"] = "Categories";
$lang["admin.atributos"] = "Attributes";
$lang["admin.carga_csv"] = "Upload CSV";
$lang["admin.nombre"] = "Name";
$lang["admin.articulo_id"] = "Product ID";
$lang["admin.precio"] = "Price";
$lang["admin.categoria"] = "Category";
$lang["admin.datos_producto"] = "Info of product";
$lang["admin.descripcion_breve"] = "Short Description";
$lang["admin.descripcion_larga"] = "Long Description";
$lang["admin.etiquetas"] = "Tags";
$lang["admin.meta_datos"] = "Meta Data";
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$lang["admin.peso_dimensiones"] = "Weight / Dimensions";
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$lang["admin.combinaciones"] = "Combinations";
$lang["admin.precio_xmayor"] = "Precio x Mayor";
$lang["admin.precio_xmenor"] = "Precio x Menor";
$lang["admin.precio_anterior"] = "Precio Anterior";
$lang["admin.categoria_principal"] = "Main Category";
$lang["admin.seleccione"] = "- Select item -";
$lang["admin.es_oferta"] = "Es Oferta";
$lang["admin.en_portada"] = "In Home";
$lang["admin.estado"] = "Active";
$lang["admin.msg_grabados"] = "Data saved successfully";
$lang["admin.msg_no_grabados"] = "ERROR: Can not data save";
$lang["admin.seleccionar_ficheros"] = "Select files";
$lang["admin.marcas"] = "Brands";
$lang["admin.marca"] = "Brand";
$lang["admin.cargando"] = "Loading ...";
$lang["admin.configurar_atributos"] = "Set Attributes";
$lang["admin.agregar_atributos"] = "Add Attributes";
$lang["admin.cerrar"] = "Close";
$lang["admin.valores"] = "Values";
$lang["admin.guardar"] = "Save";
$lang["admin.hola"] = "Hi";
$lang["admin.salir"] = "Log out";
$lang["admin.stock"] = "Stock";
$lang["admin.marca_id"] = "Brand ID";
$lang["admin.categoria_id"] = "Category ID";
$lang["admin.atributo_id"] = "Attribute ID";
$lang["admin.cat_padre"] = "Cat. Padre";
$lang["admin.ver_arbol"] = "Ver Árbol";
$lang["admin.arbol_categorias"] = "Tree of Categories";
$lang["admin.nueva_categoria"] = "New Category";
$lang["admin.modificar_categoria"] = "Edit Category";
$lang["admin.imagen"] = "Image";
$lang["admin.url_amigable"] = "Friendly URL";
$lang["admin.fotos_articulo"] = "Photo of product";
$lang["admin.abrev"] = "Abrev";
$lang["admin.atributo"] = "Attribute";
$lang["admin.tipo"] = "Tipe";
$lang["admin.agregar_valor"] = "Add value";
$lang["admin.valor"] = "Value";
$lang["admin.codigo_color"] = "Color Hexa.";
$lang["admin.datos_generales"] = "General data";
$lang["admin.cuentas_correo"] = "Email Accounts";
$lang["admin.cuentas_correo_comment"] = "Email account for notifications messages";
$lang["admin.meta_datos_comment"] = "Important for SEO - Search Engine Optimization";
$lang["admin.meta_keywords_comment"] = "(Words separated by commas \",\")";
$lang["admin.ubicacion"] = "Location";
$lang["admin.datos_de_web"] = "Data of website";
$lang["admin.descripcion"] = "Description";
$lang["admin.correo_contacto"] = "Contact email account";
$lang["admin.correo_administrador"] = "Administrator email account";
$lang["admin.correo_tecnico"] = "Webmaster email account";
$lang["admin.direccion"] = "Address";
$lang["admin.telefono_fijo"] = "Phone";
$lang["admin.telefono_movil"] = "Cellphone";
$lang["admin.imagen_grande"] = "Big image";
$lang["admin.imagen_mediana"] = "Medium image";
$lang["admin.imagen_pequena"] = "Small image";
$lang["admin.imagenes_comment"] = "Define the size of images - Example. 600x300";
Escríbenos, en breve responderemos
Información básica sobre protección de datos
Responsable del tratamiento | Complejo Turístico Yacumama |
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Finalidad del tratamiento |
Respuesta a una solicitud de contacto por parte del cliente en relación a una consulta o incidencia. |
+Info |
Legitimación del tratamiento | Ejecución del contrato con el interesado. |
+Info |
Destinatarios de cesiones o transferencias | No se realizan cesiones ni transferencias internacionales. |
+Info |
Derechos de las personas interesadas | Acceder, rectificar y suprimir sus datos, así como al ejercicio de otros derechos conforme a lo recogido en la información adicional. |
+Info |
Información Adicional | Puede consultar la información adicional y detallada sobre protección de datos en los distintos enlaces de cada uno de los apartados informados. |
+Info |